Consulting Services

BEST Solutions: Business empowerment and strategic turnaround

Debt Elimination

RISE Solutions: Commercial debt settlement & reorganization

Reorganization vs. Bankruptcy

As a trusted advisor, you know that when a client is facing bankruptcy, their expectations may not be in line with the realities and consequences of a Chapter 11 filing. Lack of understanding leads many business owners to falsely believe bankruptcy offers the benefits of a fresh start, personal asset protection or control over their financial future. These are just some of the bankruptcy myths that distort outlooks and decision paths.

Because experience has demonstrated that bankruptcy is extremely risky, costly and not in your client’s best interest the majority of the time, it’s your duty to correct these assumptions. The fact is over 75% of Chapter 11 filings fail. When they do, they are converted to Chapter 7 filings, worsened by the accumulated costs from attempting Chapter 11, and exposing your client’s personal assets once again. In the face of objections, legal expenses and loss of operational control to relevant parties, actual odds of success are deplorably small.

By contrast, reorganization through Second Wind’s RISE Solutions avoids the legal arena altogether. Centered around a controlled, strategic short sale of the business’ assets, your client and secured creditors realize the return of maximum possible value, rather than forced liquidation value.

This preservation of business value sets the stage for a successful exit without the financial ruin and costs associated with a failed bankruptcy process. Our RISE Small Business and Enterprise Solutions get results aligned with your clients’ best interests including successful exits and potential re-entry into the business in the future, along with maximum sale value and maximum recoverable value for secured creditors.

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Contact us about how a strategic alliance can offer distressed clients a more rational path out from unsupportable debt.

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